Baptism is the sacrament of Christian initiation through which a person becomes a full member of the Body Of Christ, the Church.  Infants, Children or Adults are not Baptized unless there is a serious commitment to being active participants in the life of the church community. Those seeking baptism for themselves or their children will participate in a preparation process so that they understand fully the promises that they will be making.  Baptism is not a quaint ceremony or a rite of passage but the beginning of a new life as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Eucharist is the Church's sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving by which the sacrifice of Christ is made present in our midst. It is the principal act of worship of the faith community at Trinity each Sunday so that as we are nourished and strnghtened by our Lord's Body and Blood we can go out into the world and share the "Good News" of Jesus Christ. Weekly participation in our Mass is an expectation of all members so that we can grow in our relationship with Jesus as a community and as individuals as we experience a foretaste of his eternal banquet.

Confirmation is the sacrament through which those who have been Baptized as infants or children  make a mature commitment to their discipleship.  Those who wish to be confirmed complete a preparation program. Those who have been Baptized and Confirmed in another sacramental church may be Received into this communion after completing the preparation process.

Marriage is the sacrament in which a couple enter into a life-long union by the exchange of vows and receive the grace and blessing of God to help them live these vows.  The Church witnesses this union and supports the couple in their life together.  Marriages will not take place in the parish unless the persons to be married are a part of the parish community.

Reconciliation is the sacramental rite for the forgiveness of sin. It is an opportunity to experience the words of Jesus "Your sins are forgiven" by confession to God in the presence of a priest and receiving the grace of absolution. A Reconciliation Service takes place quarterly.  Anyone can request this sacrament at anytime.

Anointing of the Sick is available at any time by request, as well as at the quarterly Healing Service. Parishioners who become ill or are hospitalized are encouraged to inform the parish clergy as soon as possible.